Sunday, December 04, 2005

eCoast Angels Pack the Elks

Old pal George McQuilken said it best when asked about the turnout at his Angel Summit:  "I'm staggered."  This article from a couple days ago estimates the turnout at 200!

For the Portsmouth Herald's business editor, it was an eye-opening experience, as he relates in today's story: 

And in this article from a couple days ago, which estimates the turnout at 200!

Congratulations to George, Arlon, Jeff, and everybody involved in the event.  It was a huge success and an honor to have Portsmouth host it.  For more information about the eCoast Angel Network, check out their web site:

Sunday, March 27, 2005

"Welcome to the New Economy," he said sarcastically...

Yours truly is quoted here in this great overview of the state of the technology economy:  Tech Wave Building Again

It's a rather upbeat headline, considering some of the horror stories included therein, mine included. 

Interviewed for this piece are myself, and several folks I know very well: Jim Jewell (formerly of Bottomline (NASDAQ:EPAY) and eCoast Technology Roundtable leader), Alex Bakman (Ecora), George McQuilken (RSA, eCoast Angels, and eCoast leader), and Katie Paine (Delahaye-Medialink, and her new eponymously named company).  I don't know Jim Cooper (Socratic Productions) or Mark Klein (Loyalty Builders).