Was there any doubt? It's
Ceres Street Wine, nestled down between the Oar House and salt piles in downtown Portsmouth.
For nearly 2 decades now, proprietor Dave Campbell has been hooking up locals and tourists alike with great bottles for every occasion. And yes, if you think the last name and dashing good looks are more than a coincidence, you're right. I hear this sentence about once a week: "Wait, Dave is your dad?!"
Taste of the Seacoast magazine took the voters word for it, and I think they/we did a great job finding the best this and the best that of the area. I quibble with a few of them (Portsmouth Brewery has the "Best Beer Selection?" Really? They only sell their
own beer!) Check out the results for yourself:
http://www.tasteoftheseacoast.com/Feature-Stories/best-of-taste-2010-winners.html How'd your favorite places fare? Quibbles, complaints, kudos? Have a glass of wine and see what you think.