Conversely, the big winner last night has to be Volkswagen. Not only did it score right behind the two dog spots in USAToday, it was the first SB ad I saw leaked on the Facebook, which tells you it was going viral even before it aired... a great sign. And after it aired during the game, the twitterverse went wild with positive remarks. And it scored very well with the experts.
While the buzz the Super Bowl ads create is on a slightly bigger budget than my clients can typically reach, here's my top five.
#5 E*Trade Baby. Sorry, I'm not even close to sick of this concept. They're just funny.
#4 Verizon iPhone
#3 NFL: "American Family" Grey Group
#2 Chrysler: "Born of Fire" Wieden & Kennedy/Universal McCann
BTW, this work of art is rated at #44 on USAToday's AdMeter. Unbelievable. Obviously that's because there were no monkeys, dogs, or people getting hit in the face and/or crotch.
#1 Volkswagen Passat Mini-Vader
I also note that this is far and away the most popular of the YouTube, with 16 million views and counting. What's fanny is that this ad completely obscured another VW ad that was nearly as good, the Black Betty Beetle. VW FTW!
So that's my Top 5. What's yours?
*USA TODAY assembled 282 adult volunteers in Bakersfield, Calif., and McLean, Va., and electronically charted their second-by-second reactions to ads during the Super Bowl. Shugoll Research and Trotta Associates chose the volunteers, who used handheld meters to register how much they liked each ad. A computer continuously averaged the scores. Scores are the highest average for each ad.