And now comes this from the splendid brain of Mr. Joshua Cyr:
Alpha Loft is pleased to announce Hoopla: A gathering of creative and developer masterminds from around the Seacoast.In fact, there's so many cool events going on lately, frankly, it's tough to keep up with them. Josh is striving to make the Alpha Loft calendar the one-stop shop for this sort of thing, so if you're planning something cool -- or planning to attend something cool -- let him know.
Lets be honest -- you work way too hard. You need a vacation. But you are way too busy for a vacation. How about going out for the night? Yes! That's the ticket. If only there was some sort of event where you could go and hang out with creative, interesting, occasionally OCD people like yourself. A place to share the crazy stories of projects, clients, Internet Explorer, etc.
Introducing Hoopla. A gathering just for you and 100 or so of your favorite peoples. Enjoy a cool beverage and relax. No presentations. No fuss. Just a lot of hoopla.
RSVP here.
But wait there is more! This is also a fundraiser for 3S Artspace. Donations ($5 minimum) at the door. The more you donate the better you will feel on the inside. Corporate donations happily accepted.
Remember, this event is for creative and tech people only. We love all of the rest of you, we just need a break for one night.
This event is a product of Alpha Loft and sponsored by Dyn Inc.
For more social-media-driven stuffs on the aforementioned:
@MusicHall, @NHTweetUp, @alphaloft #DigitalPorts #portsbkfstclub