Friday, January 07, 2011

Happy 12th Birthday eBrew

Thanks to Chuck McMahon at the Portsmouth Herald for an excellent job pulling together this story on the eCoast and the eBrew ahead of our special event. No doubt it contributed to the outstanding turnout we got... I estimated way over 100 (more like 150) of the local technorati were at the Press Room last night to celebrate 12 years of eBrews.  The article is a great overview of who we are and why we get together every month.  Give it a read and then join us next month!  It's always the 1st Thursday, upstairs at the Press Room.  Your bartender's name is Sam... She's the best and will take good care of you.

BTW, there are a few pics on the eCoast Facebook page.  Here's one of me and my pal Isaac Brake.  I'm wearing the wi-fi detecto t-shirt Melanie got me for Christmas, courtesy of ThinkGeek.  It was a big hit and a great conversation starter.  Plus, I know at least one person bought the same shirt after seeing mine (right Mark?!)... I think I should get a commission. 

And yes, I got full bars.  SSID=PressRoomRocks.  ;-)

1 comment:

D. Scott Campbell said...

There's also a wi-fi detecto hat! But I like my hat better... Can't beat the original eCoast cap... Almost as old as the eBrew itself! I only wear it on special occasions, like the birthday eBrew or TechWorld or the eCruise. :-)