It appeared on the front page of the
I tweeted it back to the columnist (this is reverse chronological, of course):
It's an interesting exchange, IMO, because SK assumes the goal is to establish a nationally recognized brand. While that would surely be nice, my goal for eCoast all along has been to simply make sure we have local and regional mindshare. If a local firm is hiring out for a new web site, I sure as hell hope they know there is plenty of talent right here in their backyards; there is simply no need to go to Boston, New York, or San Francisco to get top quality results. And in tandem with that, if UNH grads are looking for jobs in high-tech, I sure hope they know they can stay here to get them; they shouldn've have to commute an hour every day, which adds to fossil fuel dependence, pollution, tax income lost to Massachusetts, and all the negative effects of "brain-drain."
buzzonabudget Buzz on a Budget@ScottKirsner that's ok... As long as Seacoast firms know eCoast tech vendors exist & UNH grads know high-tech jobs are here, we're cool.»
ScottKirsner Scott Kirsner@buzzonabudget I think eCoast has been doing pretty well in NH, and maybe MA. But has yet to achieve wider recognition...»
buzzonabudget Buzz on a Budget@ScottKirsner Regional tech monikers have gotta be organically grown like @eCoastTech Nice piece SK! And fab illus!
Ineterestingly, the article doesn't mention Portsmouth or eCoast by name anywhere. So if you have a Google News Alert or news clipping service searching for key words, like I do, you wouldn't have seen this. So yes, there's still something to be said for picking up and perusing the ol' dead tree and getting your fingers a little dirty with good ol' fashioned ink.
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